You can make a difference.


Parents and Caregivers

The importance of actively engaged biological parents and primary and secondary caregivers is crucial to the development of any child. ECD complements family experiences by strengthening parenting and family involvement.

  • Ensure that your children are immunised and learn how to prevent injuries.
  • We stress the importance of birth registration in order for a child to gain access to medical services and schooling.
  • We encourage fathers to spend time and play with their children, explain to them why it is important.
  • Provide your children with nutritious foods that help support development.
  • Ensure that your children are immunised and learn how to prevent injuries.
  • Explain the importance of hygiene to your children, such as hair and teeth brushing, clean clothes and tidy appearance, washing hands.
  • How parents can support their child’s development in the home.
  • Obtain a parent’s home kit which will include materials and tools for parents to ‘play and learn with children at home.
  • Partner with librarians (libraries) to include them as role players in the ECD network in the local community.

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